Drama is the queen of all genres. Drama films, or from the ancient Greek “deeds,” are the most popular and widespread all over the world. It is drama films that are the best examples of highly artistic cinematography.
Dramatic pictures appeal to our reality, the relationships of people, the contradictions of actions. And most importantly, real drama leaves the choice to the viewer, without imposing the correctness of the conclusions. Dramatic films are like a test of a person’s strength. These films portray a person’s personal life and their interaction with society. Since social ties are an integral part of life for all people, it is easy for the viewer to transfer the character’s experiences to their own. Sometimes such films can have a therapeutic effect, tantamount to a trip to a psychologist. Watch a wide range of drama films on our website.
Drama genre can also be called the most vague. It often includes very different pictures. Drama foreign films, especially Hollywood, often at the center of the struggle for justice. A courtroom drama is very common in the United States. Naturally, a happy ending is almost a must.