Watch History Movies Online

Historical films are either about a significant historical figure or a famous event in history, such as a battle. It is often assumed that any film set in the past can be considered a historical genre, but this is not the case – what matters is the portrayal of real historical events. The roots of the genre are in literature: in many ways, historical films can be considered the screen analog of historical novels. The founder of the genre is considered the English writer Walter Scott.

“History,” as Cicero said two thousand years ago, “is the teacher of life. In a popular interpretation, this means that knowledge of the past will help avoid mistakes in the future. Everything repeats itself, and at the same time nothing stays the same. History and movies about the past tell us about the similarities and differences between the past and the present.

Watching historical films is not worthwhile for gaining knowledge of history, but can be useful for understanding the mass representation of past events. Although historical projects always employ historical consultants, few films can boast accuracy and consistency with scientific data. The main thing in movies is the image. The best historical films do not tell about the events of history, but interpret them and tell more about the present than about the past. And they often create an image that is more enduring than scientific history books. “Alexander Nevsky” by Sergei Eisenstein has nothing to do with the real prince, but it is the image of the actor Nikolai Cherkasov that has remained in the mass consciousness.

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